Hello Guys! CornerFive is here. In this project, I want to make a Calligraphy-stylized logo that can be applied for any purpose such as animal conservation, organisations, etc. Here's the process.
1. Getting References
In this logo I choose Leopard image randomly because this animal represent something wild. I take a reference from Google and I choose the image of Leopard in red box below.
2. Tracing Potrait
I only need the face of the Leopard. Then, I start tracing the line of leopard face in Adobe Illustrator using Calligraphy Brush tool. For make a line looks great, I use pen tablet to draw the line.
3. Finishing
Next step is adding a title of logo, I named it Leopard as the main form of this logo. Then, I only need add a background to make the logo more contrast. Here's the result.
Media Application
Since the logo is made for organization, I imagine that it can be use for uniform embroidery, so I applied on the mock up to visualize the result. 
Hope you like it.


A calligraphy-stylized logo that can be use for wild animal conservational purpose.
