Haunted Lighthouse
35x27cm watercolor on Colman paper
Reference from pinterest.
This was my first time working with Colman paper. It took a lot of layers to get the specific colors that i wanted. The paper absorbs some pigments in a strange way on the first layers. So you have to be patient.
Not my favourite paper choice for watercolors, but it should work fine with ink. 
I normally use hot press Arches and Winsor&Newton.
First I drew the basic shapes with a pencil, then I started painting the background. It took a lot of layers to get that ashy turquoise on the sky. While I let it dry, I started blocking and defining some structures like the house and the darker parts of the tower. Layers, layers, layers.

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Please write to tatianatomicich@gmail.com for commissions or any questions you may have about my work.
Thank you for watching and reading!
Haunted Lighthouse