My titles are ways for me to identify my work in a filing system, that’s all.
This series I call Collage because its based on the previous 4 works "Traditional" but incorporates more textural elements weaved in with the vectors.

Based on inspiring images from past artists, this series started as a way for me to get working after having my second child and fighting postpartum depression.
Each piece is based on a woodblock print by talented Japanese artists of the last century and incorporates the modernness of a Julian Opie style flatness and reduced detail.

These pieces continue to explore the integration of traditional fine art principles with digital design practices, especially exposing the nature of the digital material. Pairing, for example, pixels with vector planes, high vs. low res photography, the color gamut restrictions of RGB vs. CMYK, and transparency blending.
Each of the women in this series are caught in the action of caring for herself. Combing her hair, applying makeup, bathing. She seems weary. She is a mirror for what I was experiencing as a second-time mother, recently fighting postpartum depression. The women were not a reflection of the pain of depression, but a reflection of the calm found in recovery.
Vintage photos, details of iphone pics, and snippets of children's drawings, are woven into the images to bring the traditional art images into the life of today's women. The traditional role of mother/woman into today's scope.
Thank you for reading about my work.
Series: Collage

Series: Collage

Illustrated digital drawings of women growing stronger as they balance motherhood, womanhood and personal, mental health needs
