This is a Social Design project in which we had to create a community of practice, whatever kind we decided to create. I decided to base my community of practice on a Branding agency. After stablising the ethos and philosophy of the agency, the next step was creating a project in which we applied that ethos and philosophy in the creations.

I created EVO, an innovating vehicle company, respectful with the environment; working with sustainable energies in order to reduce emissions and therefor protect our planet and make it one free of pollution. The visual identity is based on the fluidity of those sustainable energies, the future and environment

The font I used for the brand is Accent.

Mockups from Graphic Burger and Anthony Boyd.

Images from Denys Nevozhai, Eberhard Grossgasteiger,
Pawel Nolbert and vladimir Palyanov.

Daniel Iglesias.