Goats of Gobhar is the product of my Advanced Level Design class during my time at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, which I worked on as part of a group with 3 other students. We were tasked with creating a playable level in UDK over the course of 11 weeks. My group decided to create a playable co-op experience taking place in a fictional celtic setting. The aim of the level was to defend your village and your goats from the dreaded Cragsnatch, a sea monster. We tried to base our art style on something close to Darksiders II, and focused on having large identifiable forms that still had some smaller details mixed in.
I was tasked with making most of the "natural" assets for the level, which included the cliffs, foliage, terrain textures, and in addition to those, I created the custom player weapon. I also designed the initial layout for the level and acted as the world builder for the group, which consisted of importing and placing the various environment assets created by the rest of the team.
Goats of Gobhar

Goats of Gobhar

Goats of Gobhar is the product of my Advanced Level Design class during my time at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, which I worked on as part of Read More
