Cody Popp's profile

Panther Moderns - Lupus Yonderboy

Perched on the edge of Case's worktable like some kind of state of the art gargoyle, he regarded Case and Armitage with hooded eyes.

Leader of the Panther Moderns, Lupus Yonderoy wears an enhanced form of their trademark mimetic polycarbon suit with a recording feature, allowing him to playback backgrounds at will. Has bright pink hair and modified pupils that catch light in the same way as a cat. Like other moderns, he uses a veritable forest of microsofts to enhance his abilities, although what particular attributes they bestow is not described.

In the novel Neuromancer by William Gibson, the Panther Moderns are a sprawl youth culture, whose members are nihilistic technofetishist mercenaries, lead by Lupus Yonderboy. They organise the diversion needed for the attack on the Sense/Net building so that the ROM construct of the Dixie Flatline can be acquired.

When your everyday geeky teenager gets to play with mimetic polycarbon suits that render them invisible, and can augment their abilities with microsofts, chips that plug into the brain to allow foreign language skills or the ability to scan for electronic devices or communication channels, you're left with "practical jokers with a penchant for random acts of surreal violence". Case observes that their style is similar to that of a gang, the Big Scientists, that existed when he was a teenager. Gibson suggests that in the sprawl such youth subcultures come and go yet retain set patterns of underlying characteristics - their precise manifestation at a given time therefore determined not by ideology but technology.

"Chaos, Mr. Who," Lupus Yonderboy said. "That is our mode and modus. That is our central kick."
Panther Moderns - Lupus Yonderboy

Panther Moderns - Lupus Yonderboy

A personal illustration project I was inspired to take on after finishing William Gibson's classic cyberpunk novel Neuromancer.
