Safety Starts with Me Poster
Workplace Safety and Health Council organises “Safety Starts with Me” competition annually to remind people to be safe and healthy while working. This year’s competition theme is “Prevention of Hand Injuries at Workplaces”. I am honored and grateful to recieve a merit award with this poster.

During the ideation stage, I asked myself: Why do we work? We work to earn money and the income could be used for ourselves and to support our loved ones. However, you would not be able to do that if you are severely injured. Your family that is depending on you will suffer too. That is why we must practice safety measures at workplaces no matter what industry we are in. Like a chain reaction, your injury does not only affect your hand, it will hurt your loved ones too.

To present the chain reaction idea, I have used tools that you can find in workplaces of different industries — beakers, wrench, tyre, hammer etc. Meanwhile, white dotted lines are illustrated to help the audience to easily understand the chain reaction.

Thank you for viewing!:)
Chain Reaction

Chain Reaction

Winning work in Safety Starts with Me competition (Theme: Prevention of Hand Injuries at Workplaces).
