#50 Best Talks

The World's 50 Best Restaurants is a yearly competition where peers review peers in the culinary world to identify the best. As part of the event a panel of selected experts is brought together in #50 Best Talks to discuss edible ideas. The short campaign spread across print and digital with the Good Food Month team curating additional content to promote the speaking event. The primarily mono visuals focused on the chefs themselves, calls-to-action were highlighted in vibrant orange and the new logo had a hero placement to create and spread awareness. 

Role: Digital/print design & art direction
Fairfax Events: Sophie Gawel, Yany Kraljevic, Sally Morris, Alex Chong, Vanessa Cowell

Get in touch if you want to share some ideas. Otherwise feel free to take a squiz at my other work.


#50 Best Talks


#50 Best Talks

#50 Best Talks creative direction, branding and advertising the event.
