Kelvin Murray's profile

For the Love of Music

Sam, who is 15, sits at the piano in his home in his school blazer 
Joseph is 11. The value of music in his life is impossible to measure, as he has learned to use music as a coping mechanism for his Autism. This is why his family travel all over the place, allowing him to receive tuition at the prestigious Junior Trinity at the Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance in Greenwich, London.
Zozi, who is 15, is rehearsing in the school auditorium. 
Jamie, who is 14, was oozing confidence and played the viola like a seasoned professional.
Ibrahim, who is 14, taught himself to play the piano. His natural talent just poured out of him.
We photographed him at school during his break.
Djomi, who is 15, rehearses in her hallway otherwise the neighbours complain. 
Wilfred, who is 12, has been playing the clarinet for 6 years and is my local vicar’s son. This is the music room in the vicarage.
Lucia, who is 15, was photographed at her Girls school in south London. Her mum is a professional cellist and her cello is a family instrument.
Nathan, who is 15, has been playing trombone for as long as he can remember. I love the way that Nathan’s shoulder’s mimic the shape of his trombone.
Omar, who is 10, was incredibly talented and natural. He sat down at the piano and just played with an ease and joy that gave everyone a huge amount of pleasure.
Gamar, who is 10, was photographed at his guitar school in deepest south London. 
Haru, who is 15, had just won a prestigious scholarship to a music school.
Louise, who is 14 pays the Tuba in a small school music practise room.
Edward, who is 10, has learnt to play the guitar with the schools I.T. teacher and he’s in the schools rock band.
Rory, who is11, has been doing 1 hours practise per day on his saxophone for the last four years. He was photographed in the ‘dump room’ of his house. I loved the Harry Potter look he had.
Stella, who is 15, was photographed in the music room at her school. This frame was taken when I asked her to show me how she felt about her violin.
For the Love of Music


For the Love of Music

For the Love of Music is a series on extremely talented young musicians who all live in or around London, England. They were photographed in thei Read More
