It's important to be constantly looking forward. I thrive on new ideas and concepts that can help a user or present a solution for a problem that a user may not have even realised was there. From a Touch Screen Bar table to mobile apps, there is no scale on project ideas, as big or as small as they can be I love bringing them to life and seeing where they can go.
I need to familiarise myself with the market, look into competitors, identify the problem and see the peaks in which the user engages and loses interest in order to help design the product with maximum user experience.
Moving ideas forward I use Architectures to construct a map to visualise a cycle in which the product will work. This works for apps and physical products as you can follow the paths in which the user can explore and identify any gaps that could stop the cycle from flowing.
Creating initial stage concepts and wireframes which progressed to a prototype before working on UI elements to create a final product.
Concepts & Processes