A portable oxygen device for paramedics
The new design makes it easy to mount bottles of different sizes, while protecting the head and making it easy to spot from a distance if the bottle is open or not.
The handle has a built-in locking mechanism, allowing OxyAid to be attached to gurneys and the wall of the ambulance by simply placing it and pushing down the handle, saving precious time during an emergency. The old system relied on a sliding grip and two cumbersome and time-consuming finger-screws.
The new design is angled according to the most common working positions of the paramedics. Reading the gauge and regulating the flow is now easier and decidedly more comfortable.
Throughout the project, quick'n'dirty mock-ups were made to test out ideas, shown to and evaluated by the local paramedics unit. 


This project revolved around re-designing the current, portable oxygen-device of danish ambulances, which is part of the paramedic’s regular equi Read More
