This module introduces the process of a people centred approach to design, understanding human factors, psychology, ethnography and how this might be applied to the design project work. The brief was to produce a 1:1 scale, ‘proof of principle prototype’ model of a cordless drill, demonstrating format, form, and key ergonomic and functional details. The model is not to communicate surface finish, but is to demonstrate grip, areas of affordance, appropriate weight in relevant areas, and key areas of user interaction; such as triggers, switches, numbers and dials. The design of the product should consider the entire process of optimising the experience for the user.
The target market for this cordless drill is competent home DIYers, they have had previous experiences with doing DIY and using power tools such as cordless drills and are now looking for a mid range drill to broaden what DIY they can undertake.
After existing product research and a user experience session I decided to design a cordless combi drill. A combi drill involves the drill having drill, hammer drill and screw driving settings, this means the drill can drive screws and drill holes into wood, metal, masonry or concrete. The concept produced has a combination of human centred features that improves the user experience with the drill. These include, battery indicator, spirit levels to ensure perpendicular drilling and screwing, drill bit driver holder, LED work light for poorly lit areas and dual handle for added control. The drill also includes standard technical features of a combi drill.
Reverse engineering to gain a better understanding of how cordless drills operate.
Sketches exploring different features and how they could be incorporated onto a cordless drills, found through research of existing products.  
Prototyping different handle shapes with the use of rigs to understand what was most ergonomic and finally resulting in a rough deign for the the drill.
Final cordless drill design.
Stages of making process, showing how weight was added to the model.
Human centred features of drill; battery indicator, spirit levels to ensure perpendicular drilling and screwing, drill bit driver holder, LED work light for poorly lit areas and dual handle for added control. 
Advert style video produced showing technical and human centred features of the drill.
2D illustrator renders to communicate surface finish, features and extra details which are not on the proof of principle prototype. Showing colour way and give and idea of what material it could be made of. They highlight areas of key interaction and differentiate the components of the drill. 
Cordless Drill

Cordless Drill

1st Year
