Lauren Horzewski's profile

The building of: Cool*Lime

The building of: Cool*Lime
Prior to the pictures shown, I cut out a pattern for all the pieces, being mindful for the direction of the fabric.
Shown here is the process of sewing together the main body pieces, followed by the arms being attached, and separately, one of the legs. 
...Now it looks more like a body.
Inside out, then right side out.
Once all the pieces are sewn together, I stuffed the muzzle until it was VERY firm so that I could embroider on the nose. 

I also hand stitched the eyes on, using the seams as guidance for placement. 

Then finally, stuffed the rest of the body and stitched up the back and Voila! C'est fini!
Created: Fall 2017
Cover: January 2019
The building of: Cool*Lime

The building of: Cool*Lime

The process for creating a plush from scratch
