Billiejo Priestley's profile

Write for you, not them or fame or money.

Writing for yourself, not for money or fame
So many people believe writers, write for money and fame, that they sat down and worked hard with the end goal of having a published book splashed across every news paper around the world.

The fact is, most writers are correct in what they write, because most writers write for themselves not for anyone else, or anything else.  People see that I am an author, and the first thing they ask is, do you make much money? Now I refuse to answer their question, instead I simply reply. "Money isn't why I write, I write for myself and because I love my work I know someone else out there will" 

That is the truth, I don't write to please others, if I changed my work to please everyone who disliked it, I would have totally rewritten my work, and not just that but also lost the readers who already loved my work.

This is where a lot of authors go wrong, they write their story, ask for feedback, one person says no this is wrong and they change the whole thing to suit that persons needs. Then when they read the story again, it is no longer theirs, they have lost he love and passion for it, and anyone who is like minded as they are, also will not find passion for the story.

As the saying goes, you can not please one person, without displeasing another, the same comes for writing.

Write something you love, something you want to share, your story, a fiction story, what ever it is, but write it like you would like to read it.  As the saying goes, if the author cries at his own work, his job is done!

I am that author, I cried at scenes within my books, and those exact scenes I have had readers come back and say it had them in tears, if an author feels the emotions in their work, so will the readers.

So, write for yourself, for one it takes the stress out of if it is good enough and will people enjoy it, if you enjoy your work, guaranteed others like you will also.
Write for you, not them or fame or money.

Write for you, not them or fame or money.


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