This project was based on Claustrophobia.

 My works surrounded multiple tangents like repetition of words, sound art, video art. I selected different aspects of claustrophobia, the idea of restriction and this use of repetition. As I created these works, I overlapped and came upon and tried to question and understand things like what is claustrophobia? Hows does a claustrophobic person feel? Is claustrophobia created from the time of birth? Does an infant feel claustrophobia? Is claustrophobia visual or auditory in nature?

 Somewhere my motive was to invoke claustrophobic thoughts and feeling inside my viewer.
The following work is based upon restriction and I came up this work after talking to multiple people who are claustrophobic. One of the things which really was stuck in my mind was, "my skin doesn't have air to breath, no space around me."
I wanted my works to be visceral in nature.
This following video is basically my experimentation with repetitive sound and how can I invoke this sense of uneasiness and claustrophobic nature through a simple phrase 
"The walls are closing in"
please decrease the volume before listening (its loud) and wear headphones.
The visuals are basically created to be projected on big walls and the sound is played through a 5.1 channel system.

