The phenomenon of ghosts and spirits has become so closely associated with fear that it's almost a given that, if asked, most people would admit to being frightened if they encountered an apparition, especially children. It has become a Malaysian culture for adults, especially parents, to use hantus to scare children into following their instructions. We call them 'Pantang Larang' (taboo/superstitions). For example, it is a common 'pantang' here where you'll hear parents tell their child to 'not stay out pass sundown, or you'll be kidnapped by ghosts!' 

Growing up with these pantangs, I began to question why these superstitions exists and do they have a deeper meaning or are they just used to scare children into doing something? Thus, with that set in mind, Cerita Hantu was created! ​​​​​​​
Cerita Hantu translates to "Ghost Story". This project features a series of illustrations, each representing a different common ghost infused superstition with the reasoning and explanation to them included at the bottom. Each illustration showcases a variety of famous Malaysian ghosts acting out each superstitions, with a tinge of humour added to bring lightness to the topic of ghosts.

You will notice a constant appearance of a puzzled looking tiger. That is Pak Belong. Pak Belang (Mr. Tiger) is used to represent Malaysia as a character, as the country's national animal is the Malayan Tiger. 
Alongside that, the illustration is accompanied by a series of illustrated postcards. These postcards were used to introduce the Malaysian 'hantus' with its name and backstory included.  
Cerita Hantu

Cerita Hantu

Why do Malaysian superstitions involve ghosts? What do they actually mean? My curiosity got the better of me and then I came up with this!
