Biografie character Maya
Name: Lucy
Age: 19
Wherefrom: she is from a little town behind a giant mountain
Gender: Female
Eyes: she has one blue eye and one yellow/gold eye
Bodytype: she has a small bust and she has thick thighs
Clothes: she wears her clothes she stole from the village she used to live in
Hair: she has hair as dark as charchoal
She is a messed up character. She was left  alone when she was 3 years old nobody would look at her so she went on a journey at age 7. When she was 10 she found a lonely village at the end of a giant mountain path and decided to live there, she lives in her own little messed up world. After 2 years the villagers came back from a long journey looking for some big magic stone.
At age 9 she found out that she has an “imaginary friend” and he follows her everywhere, and and she considers him a best friend.
The time she spend in the jungle she discovered that her body is super strong and she can’t control her powers at will.
 Character traits:
She loves her best friend, her “imaginary friend”
She is a smart woman but she can’t understand our language, she will never let her guard down and she will hunt everything down without a reason
She is very observant and is always on the run for nothing
She sees things that aren’t thereShe is really strong minded but also very strong in like strength, she can break stones in half and chop trees without any effortShe always wears the clothes she stole from her old village so she doesn’t change much
Maya lesson 2D art

Maya lesson 2D art
