A smart watch for the deaf and mute to travel independently
Travelling alone, gives them a sense of normality. I wanted to create an experience for them, which is as close to independence while travelling, as possible. ​​​​​​​
Being dependent on someone for your own needs, is an unforeseen disability. 
A product for making boundaries obscure.

1. Messages- Not the usual sms, it converts public announcements and sends as text message. It recognizes the user’s name and second-person-addressing ( like you, yours, etc.) and the watch converts those sentences into text messages as well. But the user can also add a message by using the record feature, if a person’s sentence has none of that.
 2. Crossing- It is turned on to use as a precaution tool, since you may get distracted on the street while crossing. It vibrates and tells you which side a vehicle honk is on, and also if the vehicle is not honking but close to you.
 3. Call outs- You can add your own call outs and the device shouts out those (for example, rickshaw!). If hand gesture isn’t enough to call a person, you can use this feature and the person can hear the call out and notice you.
 4. Your radius- It detects people around you in a radius of 500 m, on a map. So you know which is a more populated street at that moment. And if someone has entered your radius more than 3-4 times, or is in your radius for a long time, they turn into a red dot on the watch map. 
 5. Notifications- Vibrate and pop up when an obstruction is behind you and tells you which side to move. ( In the link below, it pops up when you press the black portion of the home screen and when you press the “+” button in call outs )

AdobeXD link : https://xd.adobe.com/view/cdf738f8-f9b7-499b-59f4-e68a5957be7f-bbc6/?fullscreen ( copy paste URL to view )

Features of the product
product design
screen interfaces
storyboard page 1 
storyboard page 2
storyboard page 3


A product for independence while travelling, for the deaf and mute. Sensit smart watch to eliminate vulnerability.
