Vibha Kulkarni's profile

Chasing Stars - An Interactive and Participatory Dance

Chasing Stars - An Interactive and 
Participatory Dance Performance
Performance Stills
  Kinect and VR
  Position tracking through stars with Kinect with webcam live feed
  Audience input: Add an object to scene
  Audience view

As she stares at the night sky dreaming of becoming a star, the sky falls upon her and her journey begins... 
The stardust gathers around her to prepare for the birth of a star
She radiates and celebrates her stardom while everything revolves just around her... but soon, she exhausts her energy to radiate...
The world around her that once celebrated her begins to swallow and feed upon her stardom...
She struggles to escape until she realizes that even the ‘Star’ is not eternal...
She merges into the dark eternal universe, while many others like her watch the night sky ... dreaming of living the life of a ‘Star’
Project Mentor and Guide: Dr. Jignesh Khakhar
Music: Steve Gibbs - Patterns( Cyrus Reynolds remix)
Stage Setup: Prof. Vivekananda Narasimham Yengaldas
Programming and Development: Devang Kantharia
Projection Mapping: Bhargav Padhiyar
Initial Prototyping Assistance: Ambar Fulzele, Vivek Padmaji
Videography: Rohit Srivastava Ajay Sahu

Link to Document:

Chasing Stars - An Interactive and Participatory Dance

Chasing Stars - An Interactive and Participatory Dance

The project proposes an immersive and participatory performance by involving virtual 'props' that can interact with as well as move from one posi Read More
