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Ways to Make Your Commute More Productive

Ways to Make Your Commute More Productive

Commuting can seem daunting and boring, especially when you have nothing to do. People will spend nearly 30 minutes to an hour one way on their daily commute. While it’s not a bad idea to catch up on sleep, there are more productive ways to get the most out of your daily commute. Here are five things you can do to make that extra time count while you are waiting to get to work.

Create a To-Do List
What better way to start your day than to create a list of everything you’d like to accomplish during the day. Take stock of your priorities and use your phone to create a list of things to do in order of importance. This will help keep you organized throughout the day, and you’ll feel accomplished every time you check something off the list.

Plan Your Meals
The last thing you’ll want to do after a long commute home is to figure out what to have for dinner. Fortunately, some websites and apps can help you plan your meals.

Learn Something New
Say you commute an hour each way for five days a week. That’s 10 hours that you can dedicate to learning something new! There are podcasts and audiobooks on a plethora of subjects that can help you learn anything from scientific advancements to global finance.

Make Some Side Money
Apps like Swagbucks allow you to watch videos, shop, sign up for newsletters, and take surveys to make money. Various other apps also allow you to take surveys for money. What better way to spend your commute than to make some extra money on the side?

Practice Meditation
Public transportation is a great place to exercise mindful meditation. You can practice shutting out outside stimulation and focus on centering your mind. There are also apps, like Stop, Breathe & Think that can help guide you in meditation. By the end of your commute, you’ll be feeling refreshed for the day.

You can easily turn your commute from a boring ride into daily personal productivity session. A few simple apps and activities on your phone can enrich your ride and make your life a little easier.
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Ways to Make Your Commute More Productive

Ways to Make Your Commute More Productive

Graham Zahoruiko provides a few ways to make the most of your work commute.
