A demo reel of our Global Game Jam 2019 game, Dischord. Dischord is a 3D game in which the player is confronted with both comforting and dissonant sound and visuals to navigate the world on a quest to find home. The further the player is from home, the more dissonant the sounds and art become.

Alex Cole: Sound Implementation 
Michael Hudak: Composer 
Dwezil D'souza: Music & Programming 
Dan Halma: Music 
Erik Van Horn: 3D Art & Modeling 
Justin Oswald: Project Management 
Jillian Harvan: Storyboards 
Jesse Cuce: Concept Art 
Phil Simmons: Programming 
Victoria Waring: 2D Art


Credits ======================================== Alex Cole: Sound Implementation Michael Hudak: Composer Dwezil D'souza: Music & Programming D Read More
