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Anonymous Designer Guide

Anonymous Designer Guide (ADG) is a fictional product focusing on the pressing issue around Internet security for designers working in heavily regulated media systems. The Internet itself has been proven a powerful tool that helps with nourishing public discourse for better social understanding. Most people normally overlook this political implication of the Internet. ADG provides tips that help designers stay anonymous from electronic and Internet surveillance; thus, ensuring an open media environment for them to responsibly contribute to the formation of public discourses in their communities. Located in the intersection between design and technology, this low-tech design unveils the political implication of modern information technology and its role in shaping the public voice in authoritarian media systems. The back of this guide is designed with Hyperface, a pattern developed by Adam Harvey, which can distract face-detection algorithms used for CCTV surveillance. All titles in this guide are designed with ZXX, a typeface developed by former NSA agent Sang Mun, which can confuse optical character recognition algorithms used for digital data mining. All tips are collected from Surveillance Self-Defense website by the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Anonymous Designer Guide