Lauren O Reilly's profile

Illustration/Rocky Horror

For this project, we were to create one real-time poster and one cult- classic poster if the movie we chose was to be relaunched in todays society. This project for me was so much fun, as I got to incorporate my drawing skills within the project. I loved doodling as a child and throughout school, so getting to draw my creations before designing them digitally was so enjoyable and something really different. For the real-time poster I decided to include the main character of the film ‘Frank N Furter’ who was very controlling and who was also transgender. I wanted to portray the feminine and governing side to him, so I decided to design a cutout of his lower body to almost make it appear like he’s a puppet and above everyone else. The colour palette and texture is very vivid and gorey in order to tie in the fact that its a horror film. 

For the cult-classic poster I envisioned it to be very animated and spooky. I drew a doodle of the freaky butler ‘Riff Raff’ as I knew I could have fun drawing and over exaggerating his features. The typography is very messy and sharp in order to depict that horror element. For the colour palette I again, wanted it to be very vibrant and neon but also wanted to include the tilings of the mansion within the film, so I went for a black and white colour scheme which I feel like is a really nice contrast.
Illustration/Rocky Horror

Illustration/Rocky Horror
