​​​​​This is golconda Fort it is located on the highest hill of hyderabad. It was built under the rule of the Qutub Shahi dynasty. 
In this project are a few of the pictures I clicked on a morning treck to the Fort. Which all started off with this kite flying past me through out the treck. 
This is the highest peak of hyderabad and hence served as a very strategic position to the rulers. 
The fort has a very planned out defence system inclusive of Outposts, exterior wall, Cannon position, and an underground tunnel network 
This picture is clicked from a cave under one of the cannon post. If you spot closely the small dome like structures are the 7 Qutub Shahi tombs. 
These are the tombs of the 7 Qutub Shahi Rulers. They are situated south of the Fort. Adjoining is the Old City of hyderabad.
One consistent thing in all these photos are the huge rocks, the whole fort is built out of the stones that were cut out of the hill. Hence it was tactical and easier to build. 

