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The Value of Good Design - Exhibition Extended Branding

The Value of Good Design - 
Extended MoMA Exhibition Branding
First things first: This is a link to the MoMA's official page for the exhibition. All of this work was done prior to the exhibition start and this webpage creation. 

This extension of branding for the MoMA exhibition The Value of Good Design is meant to push the mid-century design elements reflected in the essence of the installation. This branding package would include 3 poster designs, a special edition ticket, 3 postcards take away designs, 2 large banners for the lobby, and an enamel pin set of 3 of objects from the exhibition.
The demographic of the exhibition is aimed at people 22 years old and up. The demographic is supposed to contemplate the convenience and style-based design of the mid-1900s with a 21st century perspective. The branding for this show takes influences from trends from the time period. The influences of Paul Rand and the reductive design elements being revived in modern graphic design, according to Envato, help guide the brand to its greatest potential.
The Value of Good Design - Exhibition Extended Branding


The Value of Good Design - Exhibition Extended Branding
