Alysa Truett's profile

Ocean Habitats as common places

A coral reef is a very congested busy Metropolis with limited resources and hungry competition. In such a crowded place small apartment like homes are created to house all these different types of marine life. The Art Deco style font with a high x-height was used to show that the reef sits high on the shore with one side being a drop off into the Open Ocean. This font also symbolizes the busy city with 1920's vibes. The holes in the coral, which is the sustenance of all life there, represent the animals of all different sizes living together. The bright contrasting choice of color is used to represent not only the colorful plant life but the colorful aquatic animals as well.
In the Open Ocean, Sunfish come up to the surface to get cleaned of parasites. To do this they send signals to either seagulls or another fish, halfmoon fish, and then they come down and eat the parasites off of them. This process is similar to going to a spa, minus the eating of the parasites. To go with the serene vibe of a spa I made the logo with flow in mind as well as balance. the fish and the bird symbolize yin yang symbol. The bubbles represent the removal of the parasites and the word sunfish literally represents the sunfish in the ocean signaling the other creatures.
The Shark's Den Saloon would be in the Open Ocean. Here you would find an old wrecked ship that has sunk to the bottom of the ocean and has become a "home" to some of the oceans most dangerous predators. This is why I chose a saloon, because here is a place that has a hostile feeling and whispers of vigilantes. The font and the background were chosen to look as if a ships name broke off the bow of the ship and has become a sign. The color is in red because its common for ships as well as representing danger or blood. Both are common when thinking about sharks. 
A billet is a home that houses soldiers - especially when they are off at war. Here the spider crabs are at just that. Spider crabs come up from the deep into the sea grass meadows to shed their shells and grow new ones. Hundreds of thousands of them pile up into large mounds for protection from predators who would love to eat these soft shelled crabs. Once they shed their shells not only are the more vulnerable, but they also lack mobility as their limbs do not function properly until the new shell hardens.

Here the logo gives off a military feel with angular text and an emblem like logo. The lines of the logo represent the large piles of crabs that accumulate. The logo also looks like both the mouth of a crab and a manta ray, who is the crabs main predator.  
In The Deep it is pitch black. Animals here often use bio-luminescence to glow and signal their pray or each other. The light show has a sort of strobe light effect. Most seen light is a bright blue/green.

Hence the lights, I chose a nightclub. This could be just any normal kind of club party, but is more like one for EDM, Electronic Dance Music. This is also known as a rave. Here bright neon colors are common and it is most likely you'll see a few "dark" individuals. Therefore I chose solid fonts to show the heavy darkness all around. The end punctuation (!) is actually a symbol for the angler fish, who lures its prey in with a glowing light that dangles in front of its jaws.
The Drop off Penthouse is located right on the edge of the Coral Reef. Its a trendy upscale living environment where only the most daring fish live. The colors, not only representing the de stijl movement, but also the colors that would be found in the habitat. The de stijl movement was channeled so that the harsh diagonal lines could show the hard slope of the Drop Off into the Open Ocean as well as appearing sleek and trendy. This symbol was then paired with modern sans-serif typeface and a complimenting bold font with high contrast between weight to again show the change of level when viewing the Drop Off.
Mangroves are found in tropical/subtropical habitats and they prevent erosion and stabilize the ecosystem. All the plant life in mangroves typically grow above the water with the roots in the water. Fish will often live in these roots for protection/safety. They will often be nurseries for fish and other marine life.

For this habitat I chose shanties because these are typically made out of scraps found around the community. Here animals will live off of plant scraps/decomposition and live among the roots as if the are small huts. Shanties were very common during the Great Depression hence the old style sign. The word mangrove acts as the trees whose roots come down in the water and tangle creating a small town.
Here there are 70+ species of sea grass. It is home to many different marine animals as well. Turtles especially are known to feed on sea grass.

For this habitat I chose a retirement home because turtles live to be hundreds of years old and would support the turtles diet. Here I chose serene colors that were calming and a clean easy to read font that establishes a sense of high standard. The turtle shape is representative of a turtle's shadow as it comes down to feast on the sea grass.
Kelp forests are like underwater rain forests for over 1,000 species of animals and plants. The  kelp grows fast, growing up to 1.5 ft a day. There are no roots to these plants and instead are held by a rocky seafloor. Animals from all around come to survive off the the kelp - weather its directly eating the kelp or an animal that does. They occur when cold and warm currents mix together. Kelp forests do not stay all year round and are by no means permanent. 

When creating this logo I chose a Safari because of the multiple different animals/plants that gather here. Also because kelp forests can be rather dense you will have to search in order to find these animals and observe them. The negative space of the kelp suggests the shape of a fish. The base is rounded out to show that the location/forest is not very stable and will be temporary. The kelp is composed of different colors to show the depth and height of the forest itself.
In the Twilight Zone most fish are either transparent, translucent, or have camouflage abilities to blend into to dark twilight. They are masters of disguise. It is common for one fish to make the underside of him camouflage with the ocean current. That is what inspired the logo above. This place would be like a theater of illusionists or magicians showing off their optical illusions. The rough strokes represent the outline of the fish against the dark water, obscured from direct view.
Rocky Shores are habitats that are temporary for most  marine life. This is because when the tide changes the rocks shift from under water to above. Forcing the marine life to retreat. It is for that reason I chose for this location to be a time share development. Where creatures enjoy coming, while they can. The "wave" like shape plays between the retreating water and the rocky shore. The orange semi-circle above represents both a sun or the beach. The waves are reminiscent of the bold shapes in art deco posters. Specifically the L'ATLANTIQUE French Ocean Liner.
The negative space of the logo suggests the shape of an anemone. Anemones are use commonly by clown fish who seek its refuge. The clown fish are immune to the anemone's sting. Most fish, or other marine animals, are not this lucky. I chose the term "Safe Space" representing a place for people to come together and seek safety. In the human world I would imagine support groups/meetings being held here. That is why the logo, while clean, has more of a playful/bright tone to bring forth a sense of comfort and joy in seeking refuge. 
Ocean Habitats as common places


Ocean Habitats as common places


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