Mollie Beattie National Forest Reserve Logo

Mollie Bettie Wilderness Reserve Logo
The United States Congress designated the Mollie Beattie Wilderness in 1980 and it now has a total of 8,000,000 acres. All of this wilderness is located in Alaska and is managed by the Fish and Wildlife Service. Possibly no other region of America has seen less human impact than the northeastern corner of Alaska. Here in the Brooks Range bulges up near the Arctic Ocean to create a unique combination of habitats, including arctic, subarctic, and alpine ecosystems. Elevations rise from sea level in the northern portion of the Wilderness to peaks reaching nearly 9,000 feet. The highest in the Brooks, look northward across rolling tundra cut by serpentine rivers and dotted with clusters of freshwater lakes. 
Pictures of Mollie Bettie
Mind Map
Most people commented that our designs needed to be more modern and more appealing to the younger generation. A few tweaks needed to be made as well to better fit each design while still representing Mollie Beattie.
For our logo we wanted it to give the viewer a clear image of some sort of Mollie Beattie landscape. Since the design was going on a tee shirt , it needed to be clear and to the point. Using bright colors to draw the focus from the viewer, we were able to create a simple mountain design using geometric figures with a bright background to symbolize an alaskan sunset. We made the logo into a patch for the purpose of making a sleek looking tee shirt. The polychromatic background is neon colors to give the effect of a sunset of Alaska but not the literal colors. All of the elements of the logo make it simple and memorable therefore making it effective.
Mollie Beattie National Forest Reserve Logo

Project Made For

Mollie Beattie National Forest Reserve Logo


Creative Fields