The value of the plan-scheme and protocol in an accident. What you need to pay attention
Every day in the world there is a huge number of traffic accidents. Any driver, regardless of experience and driving skills, is not insured from getting into an accident. But competent behavior and knowledge of some legal issues will help to obtain compensation and avoid false accusations of an accident.

It is worth noting that the requirements for behavior in case of an accident, prescribed in the Rules of the road, are aimed mainly at ensuring road safety, at the safety of meta accident, at identifying the culprit and bringing him to justice. However, there are no rules that would be aimed at ensuring the possibility of road accident participants to protect their rights and interests when communicating with the National Police and Insurance companies.

Naturally, once in such an unpleasant situation, a person is lost and may miss a lot of important points during the registration of an accident. Therefore, I advise you immediately contact a lawyer, a specialist in the field of accident, and if possible, invite him to come to the scene of an accident. In this case, the specialist will monitor the correctness of all actions of National Police officers and other participants in the incident.

If you do not have the opportunity to attract a lawyer at the scene, you will have to personally monitor everything.

It is worth remembering that before drawing up a protocol, National Police officers are obliged to study in detail all the circumstances of the accident. If the police missed something, or did not take into account, do not hesitate and point them to it.

After establishing all the facts that indicate a violation of the Rules of the road by the participants of an accident, a protocol on an administrative offense against one or several persons is drawn up, which will later be submitted to the court.

It is necessary to carefully monitor what kind of information is entered into the protocol, and to what extent they correspond to reality. If, as a result of an accident, there are damages to the car, this is also necessarily recorded, moreover, the more information about the damage will be recorded in the protocol, the more opportunities there will be to get the maximum compensation. Photographing and filming while registering an accident in cases of administrative offenses is optional, but it is necessary to insist on it. Moreover, a participant in an accident or even a witness has the right to take photographic video independently, in the future, its results can be used in court as evidence, as well as to be the initial data during an auto-technical examination.

Very often the decision about the presence in your actions of traffic violations is only a subjective opinion of the police. Therefore, you should carefully read the already compiled protocol and in cases of disagreement with it, you have the full right to indicate your objections on its form or separately, enclosing explanations. Also, it is worth noting that you have the right to receive a second copy of the protocol (if the protocol is made on you), I recommend not to forget about it.

If there are several perpetrators of the accident, then the number of protocols corresponds to the number of traffic offenders. However, there are cases when the police simply do not understand all the circumstances of the current situation and draw up a protocol not on the person responsible for the accident or on all of its participants, putting the court on the duty to establish the truth of the case. But even in such situations do not despair.

There are many more nuances and problems associated with the registration of traffic accidents. And the best advice when I get involved in an accident is the immediate appeal to an experienced lawyer like Atlanta Slip and Fall Attorney for an accident who specializes in solving such situations.



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