Yasmin Anilgan's profile

Coo - Fanzine about Pigeons

The project Egozine / Fanzine was about creating a fanzine or egozine. This type of publication is a magazine for fans of certain people, things or topics. It is not an official and professionally made magazine. 
Egozines and Fanzines mostly use low-price production, meaning that they are usually designed and duplicated by one person.  The project was about creating your own fanzine.
I decided to make a Fanzine about Pigeons. They actually play a big role in our culture and are really underestimated. In my research I found some interesting aspects about these animals which I didn’t know before. I wanted to show the many aspects of the pigeon and the relationship between them and us.
Coo - Fanzine about Pigeons

Coo - Fanzine about Pigeons

