Emma O'Connor's profile

Cultural identity and risograph project

Risograph project
Emma O'Connor 
below are images accumulated over my printmaking unit on risograph and cultural identity,  the first few images are sample prints that were shown at the start of the demonstration and the final few prints are my developmental work towards my final pieces.  
The above image is a grid showing you the transparencies of the colours mixed with another colour, for example 75% yellow mixed with 50% blue will give you green 
However when reversed the green will become darker because their is more blue. 
This piece shows different transparencies when using different mediums to achieve a certain percentage of colour or gradient.
These are the ink drums, we only had colours black u, yellow u, pink 806u, blue 286u, and orange 021u.
The above images show my research into the process risograph and artist research.
This was my initial idea for concept 1. I changed the thistle as the first image was only a sketch and I wanted it to look neater. I used colours pink 806u, and black u. 
These are my two intermediates
For my final piece last minute I decided to add a water colour background as I wanted to experiment more and I really liked how it looks, I love the textures it gives to the piece.
My two intermediates for my second concept, I decided acetape was not the best as it destroyed some of my design after it came out the machine. 
Black and white First layer without second layer of orange.
Concept 2 final, this was overall my favourite piece, it has a significant amount of detail in the red deers coat and I am overall pleased  with my alignments.
I knew for my third and final concept I wanted to experiment with water colour again and decided the flag as a background would work well. water colour is transparent enough I can have another image layer on top and it will still show through. 
My final piece shows an abstract look on the transport museum, I wanted the flag to be the most important element so I ultimately decided on something simple to put on top of it, I love the water colour effect for this piece.
My evaluation for the completion of cultural identity and risopgraph project. 
Cultural identity and risograph project

Cultural identity and risograph project
