Chloe Alexander's profile

The Risograph Project: Cultural Identity

Risograph Project:
Cultural Identity

This is one of my 3 concept ideas for the Risograph project. I plan to do this highland cow in three different colours.
These are the intermediate separations for this highland cow design showing which parts are to be which colours. 
In this piece, the risograph had printed my design in the colours I liked and I decided to redefine the lighter elements of the project by outlining it.
Furthermore when I developed into my pieces I noticed gaps and whatnot and decided to fill these gaps in with alternative designs to add effect to the artwork. this addition I successful in adding more character to the outcome.
In this piece the risograph machine did not print yellow however it is still successful to the brief in being a two coloured print and works well without the yellow since all the important aspects of the image are represented such as the horns, nose and feet.
This addition I thought would be good to include since you can see how the rispgraph machine actually works- through pointillism technique. these parts of some of my prints where unsuccessful due to this opacity error but I still thought it would be useful to include since its educational towards the effects of risograph in terms of overlapping and technique. 
this idea stemmed from my wanting to collaborate different aspects of Scotland together in the most unlikely way. I wanted to take the folklore 'kelpie' and cross it over with our traditional instrument the bag pipe. 
these where my sketches of the ideas separately. I needed to make both of them coincide so I decided to make it as if the kelpie was playing the bag pipe on its hind legs. this made both of the ideas relevant to one another in a creative way. 
these are the intermediate separations for this particular design, showing where the colour came from as well as the technique of using watercolour as the blue of the flag which creates a nice surface.
the pink element of this design was misaligned but even at that you can still tell what the design is meant to be although it is a shame I never aligned it right.
this design missed a colour. its not a flaw of the machine that the colour wasn't printed, its just good habit to check the drum and ink is cooperating properly before adding more colours but I thought it would be relevant to include it since it shows what it would be like without a colour.
for the last concept, this was my final idea. I wanted to portray a thistle conforming with another classic Scottish icon which I decided to be ion bro. now wince plants need watered I thought it to be creative to water the thistle with the iron bru turned into a watering can. 
with careful consideration, I decided to bring the plant alive by adding human concepts to it. instead I made a design of the thistle drinking the can of juice and felt it was more suitable. I decided this was the idea I was going to develop onto an outcome.
this image shows separations of intermediates for the thistle and juice project. 
this image shows the intermediate aligned to represent the outcome print that will be produced.
after the risograph went through my last design was made. this design includes the colour scheme of the can of iron bru which is a very well recognised Scottish colour scheme. 
I enjoyed making my three outcomes and even framed the highland cow one in my house since I thought it was so appealing. it's a shame my kelpie one didn't work out spot on but I'm still really pleased with the entire project since it was a new experience for my which produced me excellent work and now I've been exposed to that form of working I might even use it in future.
this is the work form that I sent to Laura Bowie, a lecturer in City of Glasgow College which helped me achieve my prints by operating the complex machine, I ticked the colours I wanted to use and labelled the intermediate a so and she left feedback on elements of the work.
my evaluation for the completion of Cultural Identity; the Risograph Project.
The Risograph Project: Cultural Identity

The Risograph Project: Cultural Identity



Creative Fields