Allison Gajewski's profile

Welcome to Sector H!

-Welcome to Sector H of Lord Deimos's Space Armada!-​​​​​​​
Member Status of Sector H. - Current As of 5/20XX
Data: Sector leader, overseer, project coordinator!
Chrome: Coding expert and fleet security!
Dottie: Weapon designer and shield maintenance! 
Member status: (Active in all positions 3/3)
Meet Chrome and Dottie, the robotic henchmen that exist alongside Data in his story and universe! They're both his co-workers while working under Deimos on the armada. Originally Sector H only consisted of Data since he proved that he could mostly handle everything on his own, but after working the job of 3 bots by himself, he couldn't handle all the pressure alone anymore. He took his concerns up to Deimos himself, and was honest about how overwhelmed he was getting. As a result, Deimos assigned him two others to help him along the way as long as he oversaw them. It didn't take long for them to become close friends! 
Now, a little about these new robots that makes up Data's team! Let's start with Chrome!

Chrome is the book-worm-ish type of the bunch who's shy, gentle, and looks up to Data as both a leader and a role-model. He's a master at coding and handles the armada's security codes and alarms. He also has a pretty big crush on Data, but he could never tell him! If Data ever found out he might just die of embarrassment. He know's how important being professional is, and tries to ignore and bury his feelings for his sector leader. Data has no idea how Chrome feels about him, and views him only as a close friend. 

Chrome is super introverted unless he's with Data and Dottie, and they're basically the only ones he trusts enough to be himself around. He's prone to over-thinking and has a few issues with his anxiety. They're the only one's he shares his hobbies and interests with. He's a huge fan of sewing and doing needle-point embroidery when he's off the clock.
(Chrome in his work uniform and his casual/fun wear! He got a hold of an old magazine from Earth that Deimos saved and got hooked on the visuals, and then proceeded to sew his own variation of the retro aesthetic for himself with Data’s help!)
..and then there's Dottie! He's basically the opposite of Chrome. Where Chrome is very high strung and anxious, Dottie is outgoing and relaxed. Out of the three of them he's the daydreamer and the procrastinating one who is known to "zone out." Basically, if robots could be stoners, he wouldn't even be one because he's just already that chill. This however doesn't get in the way of his work while he's on the clock. He still takes his work very seriously. He will always try his best and bring his "A" game to his weapon designs.

He obviously works well with both Data and Chrome, but he has different feelings about them both. He sees them both as equals and important team members, but he finds Chrome annoying at times; especially when he starts passionately talking about code. 
However, despite his occasional annoyance, Dottie has a small crush on Chrome. It's not big enough to want to pursue though, and he even gets annoyed that he has these feelings for him at all. He also has no idea that Chrome has a thing for Data, so he'd technically be out of luck anyways. Dottie is basically "eh-whatever" about it while in contrast Chrome is the one secretly scribbling down dreams of putting his and Data's names together in his journal at night.
(early concept scribbles of Chrome and Dottie and a bonus Data doodle)
(Data, Chrome, and Dottie celebrating LGBT Pride month 2019!)
Literally zero of them are aware of their romantic feelings, but they don't really need to anyways. Their dynamic works either way because they're such close friends! Together they make up sector H, and they're one of the top performing branches/teams because all quirks aside, they work together flawlessly (even if they bicker sometimes!) At least, that was the case until.....
Chrome and Data started to see each other! They're not sure if they're officially dating yet or not, but because of the high tensions that has been occurring on the general armada, they finally decided to talk about their emotions and how they felt about each other, which lead to them eventually agreeing to give some experiments a shot! They're on-again-off-again, and not really putting a label on their relationship. If all keeps going well, they'll decide to officially date and call themselves official boyfriends. This whole situation is found to be seriously annoying and unproductive by Dottie, who is pretty jealous about the whole thing but doesn't plan on telling them anytime soon. 
What will happen next? We'll see!
(Note: This project is BRAND NEW! More media/drawings exploring/featuring Proto is coming soon!)

(All characters and artwork shown © Allison Gajewski, 2018-2020)
Welcome to Sector H!

Welcome to Sector H!

An expansion on Data's character and more development on the newest characters I've developed, his coworkers!
