Alexandra Del Popolo's profile

Frank Ocean - Interactive Music Website

I created this website from scratch with HTML and CSS to be an interactive experience and visualization of the music created by Frank Ocean. He is an artist whose songs evoke strong visual imagery, and feelings of mood within the lyrics and music. 

I intended to make each page of the website an engaging visual experience of a few lines of a few different songs which encapsulate the moods and images that it provokes. I want the audience to be able to share in this sensorial experience where, sound and images combine to create a wholesome piece of work. 

The visual language I employed in the site reflects the lyrics literally and metaphorically, and translates the feelings as well as Frank oceans own developed style. I also intend for audiences to then have a deeper appreciation and enjoyment of the multi-faceted nature of Frank Oceans songs and to explore him further as an artist as a result of visiting my site.
Frank Ocean - Interactive Music Website

Frank Ocean - Interactive Music Website
