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circulation tax according

How is the Circulation Tax According to Displacement?
The displacement of a motor vehicle is key to define the Traffic Tax, a fee that must be paid annually by all those people who regularly use a car, a truck, a van or a motorcycle to move. Broadly speaking, a minimum price is established, although from there, each city sets the corresponding amount. Given that there is no common regulation that determines a uniform tax throughout the Spanish territory, it is possible to find certain differences between some cities and others. On the other hand, there is a regulation that regulates the margins in which this tax should be moved.

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In the case of passenger cars, to calculate the price of this rate it is necessary to determine the fiscal power. For this, the fiscal horses of the car are taken into account, which is the result of the calculation between the cylinder capacity of the engine and the number of cylinders. It is clear that the models whose engine has a larger displacement, will be required to pay a higher amount. However, in certain cases it is possible to benefit from some discounts or access a total bonus depending on the level of polluting gases emitted by the vehicle.

Exceptions to the payment of the circulation tax according to the displacement
The circulation tax according to displacement applies to all types of motor vehicles, including cars, motorcycles, buses, trucks, tractors, vans and trailers. In spite of this, some special models are exempt from paying this fee, as for example the less polluting ecological vehicles that in a large part of the cities obtain a discount of 100% of the quota.

Other vehicles that are not obliged to face this tax are official state cars, autonomous communities, local police, diplomats, consulates or international representation. In the same way, ambulances, special vehicles for people with reduced mobility, public buses and minibuses, collection vehicles, as well as special vehicles for agricultural inspection are also free of this tax.

Outside of these cases, the official owner of the vehicle must pay the Mechanical Transmission Vehicle Tax, which, in case of not knowing to whom it corresponds, the name can be consulted in the registration certificate. In general, those who are obliged to pay this fee have the payment settled in their bank account, although if this is not the case, they will be notified of a letter to make the deposit.

If this is the first time this tax is assumed, you must go to the town hall of the place of residence and request the payment of this tax, for which it is necessary to give the vehicle information and personal data. From there, the bank designated by the consistory will be responsible for the management of collection.

Since it is a periodic tax, users have a voluntary period of time to make the refund. The city council of the locality is responsible for establishing this period that, once expired, a surcharge is applied to the rate according to what is regulated by the General Tax Law, together with another percentage of interest for delay. In the event that the debt is not satisfied, an asset seizure procedure is initiated.
circulation tax according

circulation tax according


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