Jarvis John's profile

TelePorto Concept Design

Capstone Project - CalArts 

// Project Title - TelePorto
I was asked to design a concept start-up and create a brand development guide for it. I had to come up with a name for the company, a fake history, philosophy and a unique concept for the logo.

Who are we?

We are a start-up that helps humans teleport to any place in an instant.

How did it all begin?

The idea behind instant teleportation was born out of necessities, that we as humans want to minimize the time taken to travel dramatically and help facilitate the exchange of information and ideas faster and advance the human project forward to new heights.

In 1992, two research graduates working in CERN, Geneva came across a quantum fluctuation in the space-time continuum and developed a method to freeze time and in-turn create a portal that could link two quantum particles and found a way to teleport matter across in an instant.

After decades of research, the researchers were able to master teleporting living beings and was successful. After human trials, the researchers were convinced they could use this technology for human transport and thus the start-up was born.

What's our Philosophy?

// Futuristic \\
// Reliable \\
// Secure \\

Our philosophy is deep rooted in our quest to find life’s most challenging problems and find a meaningful solutions to such problems.

Unique Mark Variations

// 3 Tire Access Mark
These three logo marks represent different levels of security clearance in the company.
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TelePorto Concept Design

TelePorto Concept Design

Hi, This was my capstone project done for California Institute of the Arts online graphic design course on Coursera. I was asked to come up wit Read More
