Supporting the ADHD Community: Here For You
This project emerges as a crucial resource aimed at aiding young individuals grappling with mental health challenges, particularly young adults with ADHD 
(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

The Vision: 
A comprehensive psycho-educational care package tailored specifically for young mental health patients diagnosed with ADHD.

The Mission: 
Addressing the glaring gap in post-diagnosis support and guidance to empower patients on their journey towards well-being.


Information Booklet: Offering insights into the disorder and equipping patients with valuable knowledge.

Journal: Providing a structured platform for patients to document and monitor their progress.

Motivational Cards: Daily doses of encouragement to uplift spirits and fuel motivation.

Fidget Cube: Offering tactile support for individuals managing ADHD symptoms.

Emergency Card: A vital resource for urgent situations.

Design Approach: 
With a focus on a younger demographic, the branding and presentation of this project are infused with vibrancy and positivity. Bold, vivid colors are employed to captivate attention, while geometric shapes add an element of fun and accessibility. The project mascot, a gender-fluid character with endearing and simplistic features, further contributes to its inviting appeal. Embracing a "childish" design, the overall aesthetic exudes simplicity and clarity, ensuring ease of use and comprehension.
In crafting this project, my aim was to evoke a sense of youthfulness and optimism, resonating with the inner child within you.
This is the care package. It includes all the items mentioned with a welcome note.​​​​​​​
The Journal:
The guideline booklet:
The motivational cards:
The welcome Note:
The fidget cube and emergency card:
At the exhibition:
Here For You - ADHD


Here For You - ADHD
