3 dimentions spirit-level

The correct and efficient installation of estructural elements is a key aspects in the process of construction of emergency housing. Which usually is not done correctly in Chile, generating difficulties for the useful life of these. 
Fundación Vivienda, the industry that produces all the emergency houses for emergency’s in Chile and is in charge of the reconstruction of these, speculates that 40% of the houses ensambled by voluntaries have to be re-ensambled from the start. 
The main problem is the lack of skills of Inexperienced volunteers to correctly install structural columns. The present project proposes a tool that facilitates the leveling and aplomb of elements simltaneosy so that non-professional builders can perform this task with ease. This tool bellongs to an emerging comercial space that is not being covered by the market, such as private construction and the installllation of pre-fabricated homes.
After analysing the main problems, the original design was ment to replace the basic structural colums for a system of pilars divided in to pieces so there is no necesity of digging the colums or cutting them. This reduces incredibly the difficulty of ensambling a correct base for the structure. This object was meant to be produced my injected plastic, and in construction, every collumn would be filled with concrete to firm finish the strenght of the collum.

Testing and Observations

After re-thinking and investigating the context, where this problem occurs, a new idea was put in place. The idea was to develop an easy to use and low cost tool, that will help not only the building of emergency housing, but also the construction of simple structures for non profetionals.
This new concept had to be tested with multiple profetionals and none profetionals, changing it’s size, complexity and variables, sometimes, the whole sistem had to be re-arranged.
Final Design

NIVEL 3 (Third Level) is a tool that allows the user to correctly structure vertical elements. This tool uses 3 systems to asure the correct and precise elements of a construction. 
The first, is a spirit lvl to asure that the first element is vertical. Secondly a movible spirit level to contrast the heights between vertical elements. Finally, a system of ropes that allows the user to confirm that the structural elements are installed generating 90 degrees between them.
Testing Problems

Testing the final prototype, we found a series of problems that will dificult the natural use of the product. The three main problems where, the durability of the pieces, and the the horizontal stress of the meassuring tape. 
The final and most important problem with the product, it could be the size of it. The size of the product depends on the lenght of the meassuring tape, but the proffesionals consulted and the volunteers questioned, explained that a meassuring tape added to the product it’s not a necessity. Replacing the tape for a cable could scale the size of the product leading to a pocket-size object. Considering this problems, this proyects needs to have a hole new re-design.
Nivel 3

Nivel 3
