Sipho Grant's profile

3D ABSA Premiership Trophy

Hey there. Thank you for viewing my project. This is my first Behance post.

The basic idea here is that I was bored at home one day, then I decided to experiment with Cinema 4D and test myself by creating a 3D model replica of the ABSA Premiership trophy with little to no help at all, and I'm no expert in 3D either.

Take a look below and feel free to let me know what you think in the comments below.
Original Trophy design (by Thomas Lyte) used as referrence
Tracing trophy in Adobe Illustrator
Import trophy outline from Adobe Illustrator to Cinema 4D, then build into 3D model trophy
Basic Trophy 3D model before texturing
Test render with textures and bright room lighting
Test render with textures and dim room lighting
Test render with textures and red dark room lighting
Test render with textures and grey dim room overhead lighting
3D ABSA Premiership Trophy

3D ABSA Premiership Trophy
