The physical interaction is slowly fading away. There needs to be a better purpose in staying connected.

70% of our communication is body language. With this new IoT technology, where Table Tennis meets a digital front, it can take the lead as a connected sport. All it takes is a new racket manufactured by Stiga that can pair with a smartphone, and the app "SMASH CONNECT" designed by us. In the app, teams can be created, tournaments can be held, new friends can be made, rivalries can develop & tables spread out throughout the city can be found.
Changeable play environments in public places based on learning for sustainable development using IoT. The goal is to increase the physical activity and participation of youths in the local environment and to stimulate the interest in digitalization and the values of inclusion and equality.

Table tennis is a popular activity for all ages. It creates interaction between people. When performing a playful sport you interact with each other.

Stiga Sports manufactures the world's first connected Ping Pong racket. By inserting the technology IoT into a table tennis racket you can connect it to an app. The app comments on the match, measures points, strokes and statistics. If you want, you can find other players to challenge in Stiga's community, proposing the same rank, to create new communities. You can join tournaments, create your own and see top lists locally and worldwide.

Table tennis takes a step into the digitalization while bringing together people.
Joy Wahlberg - Project Lead
Anton Molund - PR
Maja Engström - PR
Elin Larsson - Strategic Communication
Matilda Sonesson - Growth Hacker
Emilia Silfverberg - Art Director
Amanda Lindström - Communication design
Andréas Iagoridcov - Product design


Concept development: A new way to connect and interact
