Miranda Yang's profile

The Hidden Side – Domestic Violence Against Men

Awareness Campaign about Domestic Violence Against Men

When the public talks about domestic violence, they often assume that the victims are exclusively female. However, domestic violence can affect anyone, regardless of gender, race, age, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. Men can be victims of physical, emotional, psychological, and financial abuse by their partners or family members, just like women.

A report from Statistics Canada in 2014 revealed that one in three victims of intimate partner violence is male, and they do ​need​ ​a safe place​ ​and​ ​support​ ​from​​ ​society. However, the National Survey of Residential Facilities for Victims of Abuse found that of 552 shelters across Canada, 15 shelters—just under 3%—could accommodate either men or women. Unfortunately, there was not a single shelter specifically serving men, or men and their children.

The goal of this project is to raise awareness about domestic violence against men and provide support for male victims by donating towards the construction of shelters specifically for them, with the aim of promoting gender equality in society.

Using images that show no gender and requiring people to tick both boxes, can challenge traditional gender stereotypes and raise awareness about the fact that domestic violence can happen to anyone, regardless of their gender.

The poster's subtitle elaborates further on the issue of male victims and incorporates data to enhance credibility through the use of statistics (known as logos). Presenting information about "the first male shelter" could evoke sympathy from the target audience, highlighting the scarcity of resources dedicated to male victims compared to the abundance of shelters for females. This emotional appeal is known as pathos.

In the second mockup, I decided to focus on a topic related specifically to women, such as menstrual products. I created an advertisement banner for the brand U by Kotex. The phrase "bleed and pain" can be associated with many things, but placing it next to a pad immediately reminds people of a woman's period. The tagline then reveals that it was actually spoken by an abused male, which serves as both a pun and a lesson that men can also be victims of domestic violence.

Given that the target audience is the general public and feminists, I have placed the first poster in a location that is frequently visited by women - the shopping mall. The second advertisement will be placed on a website that is easily accessible to everyone. Also, data suggests that women are more active online than men, making this an ideal platform for reaching the target audience.

The Hidden Side – Domestic Violence Against Men

The Hidden Side – Domestic Violence Against Men
