When children are from the ages 1-4 they need to be read to, even if they can’t understand everything you’re saying. Reading builds language and cognitive skills that are necessary for school. This campaign reaches parents through a web ad, and 2 tv spots. There is also a story club which will be set up at libraries across the country for children to attend.
pop-up web ad
In libraries around the country Success Stories would set up story club. Story Club is a 3-5 hour time every day where parents and guardians can drop their children off, ages 2-6, and lets them have a day full of imagination and stories. Each session would feature a new story that would be read to everyone that attends. Afterwards there would be activities that relate to the story, like crafts and games that's suitable for all ages and helps their minds grow.
:30 second tv spot
:30 second tv spot
Success Stories

Success Stories

When children are from the ages 1-4 they need to be read to, even if they can’t understand everything you’re saying. Reading builds language and Read More
