Xiaohan Yu's profile

Zzz | UI/UX, Visual Design

"Sleep Fun"

Zzz company focuses on studying sleep problems of young people. 
The non-profit organization aims to help young people who are suffering from insomnia fall asleep with sounds, images, and interactive games rather than drugs. 
Zzz is like a Sleep Library, which collects sounds and images that can treat insomnia. 
Users can listen to sounds, watch images, and interact with interfaces.


The reasons for insomnia of young people: Using phone before bed, playing electronic games at night, academic pressure, peer pressure, economic pressure. 
According to research, almost half (45%) of young people are checking their mobile phones after they have gone to bed, a poll suggests, which delays their bodies' internal clock, suppresses the release of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, and makes it more difficult to fall asleep.


The application Zzz keeps and uses the habit that is checking the mobile phones before bed to treat people's insomnia. Combine white noise with interactive games and looping Gifs to make young people both feel fun and sleepy. The beautiful and interesting interfaces attract young people to download and use it.
White Noise: The soothing quality of white noise can make it easier for users to fall asleep.
Interactive Games: Tap the elements in the interfaces to get them moving, which can let users feel relaxed and sleepy. 
Looping GIFs: The soothing GIFS can make users calm down and feel sleepy.


“Very helpful to me! I feel totally serene and relaxed when I use it. I really love the illustration on the screen, which is beautiful and I can interact with it.”

Information Architecture

Welcome to Zzz

Task Flow

Task 1 : Set timer

Task 2 : Interact with the illustration interface

Task 3 : Watch a looping GIF

Motion Prototype

App Design

Style Guide

Logo Design​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
The logo is a combination of a script Wordmark with the Icon.
The icon stands for two things - a crescent moon and a closed eye, which shows sleeping calmly 
and soundly.

Color Palette

The Collateral Mockups



Zzz | UI/UX, Visual Design


Zzz | UI/UX, Visual Design
