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451 Magazine


Many people consider the practice of burning books as something offensive for different reasons: for some, it is a form of censorship that political or religious leaders apply against those who oppose their ideas. For others, the public burning of books means free publicity whose effect is to attract attention to books that otherwise might not have become widely known. That is the reason why some authorities prefer the private destruction of books.

However there is a different practice of burning books, that although very minoritary, it is understood as a private and individual act of love to literature. Unlike burning as censorship and cultural repression, these other book burners are not intended to eliminate all copies of the same book to prevent others from reading it, but instead execute certain concrete copies as an act of purging the library itself, in declaration of love to the other copies.

The 451 magazine was born with the intention of rescuing from the fire what never had to burn and with the determination to face those who believe that fire can silence the culture or eliminate the subversive. 451 is a publication made by those who love literature for those who burn for it.

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451 Magazine

451 Magazine

"451, Literature on fire" is a literary magazine that talks about persecuted works, forbidden authors and books that have been considered subvers Read More
