Christian Wall's profile

New Yorker- style Copyright Cartoons continued.

With the legislative process intensifying, we needed more cartoons to stay on peoples' minds in Washington. Apparently they did the trick; staffers said the number of letters from constituents didn't increase, but because these were so memorable it made the issue seem much more important.
Also good news, H.R. 2426 passed in the house!

Plus I'm really happy with how these look. I've gotten a chance to improve my style since the last round. 
These next few were to a very specific cause, so I removed some of the labels, but as you can see, the imagery in cartoon form helps explain a very complex issue in a way anyone can understand. 
This final one was a last minute sketch, but we ended up publishing it in our magazine-

Anyway, thanks for looking!
New Yorker- style Copyright Cartoons continued.

New Yorker- style Copyright Cartoons continued.

New Yorker style editorial (or political) cartoons for PPA's copyright small claims reform bill campaign. These comics are meant to raise awarene Read More
