Raudhah D's profile

The Corgi Project

The Corgi Project
A dog is a hooman's best friend. Under the complicated hooman world, lies an intricate society of doggos whose ultimate aim is to match doggos with hoomans who will love them for the rest of their lives. 

Like to err is human, doggos make mistakes too, which leaves us with Baybee, a young corgi eager to start her new life with her forever hooman, only to find she has landed in the wrong continent.
Follow the journey of little Baybee the corgi as she navigates through typos, doggos, other animalos and the unfamiliar world of hoomans. 
Unlock hidden messages when you select the right choices.
This game was made as a farewell gift for a friend who loves corgis and visual novels. The background images are based in Singapore as a reminder of 'home' and the memories it holds.
- Made with Unity for macOS
- NaniNovel engine
The Corgi Project

The Corgi Project

Visual novel


Creative Fields