Wow Bottled Water

We were contacted a while ago for the re-branding of wow (Purified natural water) located at the heart of Gurage region. 

When the new marketing team was appointed the first challenge they faced was to distribute to the hotels in Addis Ababa. Their bottled water did not speak class and was not appealing for the market they had put as a target consumer. 

Our task
Develop a brand identity and set standards for the marketing team to integrate. We had the flexibility to change the direction completely as there were no significant marketing and distribution. 
Above: before and after of  existing logo and the new developed. Existing logo lacked consistency and readability. 
Rejuvenate Life
The motto 
Definition: (remake, revive, renew, refresh, rebirth, restore
We believe rejuvenation occurs when one aspect of our life is missing for some time and we get it back through a natural process. That's when our life becomes a balance. We developed a concept as rejuvenating Life (restore, refresh) at the center of every visual. 
Above: Sketches of logo development
Above: Different directions proposed based on the first draft sketches. 
Above: We developed Amharic version of the logo as it was necessary for the local market and car branding.
Above: Before and after of the bottled water label. Existing label(sticker) was not adapted for the exact sizes of the bottle so it was stretched when printed and made the logo unreadable. We wanted the label to be differentiated from the existing competitors. We went with simple and logo-centric approach to make it visible on the shelf. 
We developed a poster for the stores they distributed to introduce the brand. Later adapted to car branding.
Above: Behind the scenes from the TV Commercial we developed.
Agency: ARMA 
Photo Credit: Mekbib Tadesse
Video Crew: Mozart, Getachew 
3D Modeling & Shading: Feben Elias, Nagaa Jabessa

Wow Bottled Water


Wow Bottled Water

Develop a brand identity for Wow Bottled Water.
