Lucas Mattos's profile

Corporate IT Operations Platform - WebDesign (2015)

Web App - Internal Collaborators Platform
Ideation and Design Concept
I designed and idealised this Corporate IT Operations Platform, you can find topics like knowledge transfer and measurement, communication, collaboration, skill management and project report.
Profile, collaboration and skill matrix screen:
Competencies overview, company maturity level on each competency based on the skills of the collaborators. I idealize a proprietary knowledge measurement formula, the result is what I call "Development Capacity", a mix of practical experience and theoretical knowledge. 

In addition I categorised the Development Capacity on 3 levels:  Incubation Gate, Lacking Opportunity to Improvement and Expert Level. This way (view chart) the Leaders/HR could decide wether invest in opportunity (challenges) on new projects or invest in courses and certifications to the collaborator.
Report of a specific competency, projects, articles, maturity and other related skills:
An overview of all projects on each development stage. Specific project macro report, description, highlights feed (ceremonies and key decisions), macro schedule and status of each stage:
Area report - competency maturity, skill radar:
Area report - Related projects and macro status:
Area report - Articles collaboration:
Lessons Learned - knowledge drops to avoid the same mistakes:
Corporate IT Operations Platform - WebDesign (2015)

Corporate IT Operations Platform - WebDesign (2015)
