Joseph Gerardi's profile

Urban Mandala - Coney Island

Urban Mandala - Coney Island - Sept 2019
     • Personal Project
Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. - Salvador Dali

Perfection is something I struggle with while working on personal projects. As a retoucher I've trained myself to look for and eliminate distractions and imperfections in an image. Balancing white points and accurate grays. Making sure there is details in the shadows and not blowing out the highlights. Color correcting so the image appears as it should in nature. I admire the abstract, gritty, color cast, flared, and imperfect images of others, in fact I'm drawn to that style of imagery but I find it extremely challenging to let go of my need for perfection. It's something I am struggling with and mindfully trying to over come.

You can follow my personal work on Instagram and I create a video showing the breakdown of these on my Youtube Channel.

Framed prints are available at QuantumVariant.

What do you struggle with in your personal work?

Base images:
Making of Video
Detail Crops:
Final image:
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Urban Mandala - Coney Island


Urban Mandala - Coney Island

Urban Mandala - Coney Island 2019
