Thomas Searle's profile

Motion Design - "The importance of community"

This animation was created in response to a creative brief which I was set during my internship with the Hclub headstart foundation.

The brief was set by Shaftesbury theatre group and was an open interpretation of: "what is the importance of community".

We were allowed to communicate our message through any medium of our choice, so I opted to create an animation using After Effects with elements I created in Illustrator.

The finished video was showcased to a private screening of 50+ people, including the marketing team of Shaftesbury who set the original creative brief.

My animation was showcased alongside 14 other interns work and was chosen by Shaftesbury to be the winner and will later be showcased in their organisations magazine.
"What is the importance of community"
The breakdown
After a few rounds of brainstorming ideas for how to interpret "the importance of community", I opted to visualise this as a planet.
Initially the idea was to create multiple different planets which represented different communities (i.e; race, religion, geographical locations, interests, professions, etc), but this quickly became too complex as a construct, and I decided to simplify it and focus more on planets being a community as a whole, while leaving the rest up to the interpretation of the viewers.
Deciding on the art style
I created a mood board to try and visualise the art style I'd like to use within the animation.
The initial art style plans for this animation was to use a cartoony hand drawn style for the planets. I thought this would add a nice personality to the video, but I could not seem to get the elements to move quite how I wanted to using this style, so I instead opted to use flat vector style graphics as this allowed for easier motion design within After Effects and use the hand drawn art style to create posters to hang around the screening room.
Final art designs
These designs were created in illustrator using multiple layers to allow for the creation of a parallax effect, which would give the animated designs more a 3D feel to them and to create more opportunities for motion.
Motion Design - "The importance of community"

Motion Design - "The importance of community"
