23 video sequences linked by html coding

A lucid dream is any dream during which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming.

Video sequences are hiperlinked with each other. This connected net is immThe same aterial and unrealistic; same as most of digital reality. The same quality is found in dreams and visions; suspended in nonphysical dimension, uncertain in their state and orgin.

Video net is based on phenomenon of lucid dreaming; it is a narration where every choice (click on marked element of frame) leads to another video. Through the process of making choices anyone can create own chain of events or wander through various versions of the same story.
Choices have no consequences purpose results effect. Choice leads only forward backward again again  loops continous repeats and goes back.

LUCID 2016

LUCID 2016

LUCID 2016 23 video sequences linked by html coding A lucid dream is any dream during which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming. ­ Vide Read More
